10 Day Traditional Ayahuasca Diet

With Christian Becker

May 3 - 12, 2024

Address: La Musa Verde, Prolongación Alerta Km 3, Tarapoto, Peru

Contact: Christian Becker

  • $1,100.00 – Suite
  • $1,000.00 – Junior Suite
  • $1,100.00 – Deluxe
  • $1,000.00 – Standard
  • $850.00 – Budget

Dieting (Retreat) is the deepest healing work within traditional Amazonian medicine. It consists of a retreat in isolation in a private bungalow in the jungle taking healing plants and adhering to a strict diet. It is an intense process that offers a powerful opportunity to experience profound healing. Which plants each participant will take is determined on an individual basis to best suit their needs.

One day prior to starting the diet is a purging/purifying ceremony with either Tobacco or Yawarpanga. This is followed the next evening by an Ayahuasca ceremony in the ceremonial space that begins the diet. Depending on each participant they may take Ayahuasca additional times during the diet in solitude. The last night of the diet we close with a final Ayahuasca ceremony.

Dieting is suitable for anyone who is at a crucial moment in their life, who needs to make decisions, overcome some kind of emotional, spiritual or energetic blockage or who want to embark on a path of personal development and carry out introspection work to foster a deeper connection with themselves.

It is recommended to arrive to La Musa Verde a day before the start date of the process and stay at least another day after its completion to slowly transition back to regular life.

To participate in the diet we need to know some information about you first. You will need to complete a questionnaire before we can confirm your participation.

About the Leader

Christian Becker

Christian is an experienced shamanic healer and has studied sacred plant medicines and shamanism in Peru for the past 10 years. He spent much of that time in traditional master plant diets under the guidance of his teacher, Carmen Mendieta, receiving initiations and teachings.  In 2016, Christian founded La Musa Verde retreat center leading a […]

Learn more about Christian Becker